Why exercising for a plus size woman is painful in more ways than one!

Plus Size Bliss

Are fat legs shorter, than skinny ones?

Don’t you think its because our legs seem shorter? Our stride is shorter therefore we seem to be using more energy as we are taking more steps- does that make sense? Maybe it’s because we are creating our own electricity with the inner thigh friction.. Image if we could somehow connect to the grid… we’d make money while we did our groceries.

Yes, I know we are meant to walk more for good health… it will make you feel so much better, breath in the fresh air… get the good old blood circulating around your body… Hate this as I know its true…  but when you’re Plus Size this can be a painful experience.

Overweight – Don’t be bullied, we all move differently.

Ugh (sigh)… sometimes I feel like I am traversing an endless mud puddle… each foot sticking and sucking me back in as I try to move.  The more I try, the harder it is to move.

OK!  What the? Plus Positive… Plus Positive my foot! I know… this is supposed to be a positive uplifting story… one where you feel uplifted when your finished… one where you finish and want more – well, lets see how we go.

Being a Plus Size woman can sometime be a bit like moving in mud.  Physically we are moving bodies around with built-in deployed air bags.

I am sitting here now with my diabetic socks keeping my feet warm (I’m fortunate enough not be diabetic) but regular socks kill me… sock marks suntans are one thing, but sock dents that’s a whole other story. That’s why I have to wear diabetic ones what don’t have a band at the top… and for some reason only manufacturers can answer, women’s sizes only go up to size 9.  Therefore bringing another emotional blow by having to wear men’s.  Yuk! Why not just wear slippers? Well for me, its one or the other, or both, or none… Oh come on ladies, don’t you get frustrated with my story telling … haven’t you heard of hot feet and MFM? (Mid fifties menopause).

To add to this “just go for a walk – get moving mantra” saga…Comfortable walking shoes are not that easy to get unless you are prepared to spend the big $, which I do… but limit my wardrobe to only three pair in total.  (The days of rows of shoes boxes containing stunning shoes are a distant memory.  *Already tagged for a whole other story).

Not so sexy, can be a great excuse.

Again… the comfy ones are so not sexy… I even think they make you feel like you’ve had an early mark for a nursing home.    As much as I try to do the look with my black leggings… it just doesn’t cut it for that sporty active look.

Geezz…NO wonder depression is byproduct of today’ s living… why can’t I be one of those people on Instagram… “Oh hi babe, I’ve got a spare ½ hour before I have to pick up the kids then drop them to tutoring, I’ll just quickly just throw on my walking gear and pop out for a quick run…before I go get my body wax and spray tan”.

Yea right!  Just putting on slippery (lycra) leggings and doing up shoelaces can be a workout in itself…  Oh, here’s a tip though… slippery leggings make your legs move faster… mmm worked that one out ages ago when I was part of a walking group, challenging thing was, even with the leg hams glided seemingly past each other, I still held up the group and had to quit.

Before moving to Melbourne I had great plans of exercising in a pool… but am yet to stop at sports complex that I drive past several times a week to see what they offer…  Coming from Qld, I just can’t get my head indoor pools…the echoie noise and “pool germs” from no direct sunlight.  Maybe its time to suck it up and just check it out… but then…what does one whale wear when exercising in a pool.  My Orca black and white togs are probably deteriorated somewhere in a bag at the back of my wardrobe. My last experience in a large body of water was a bit tricky, as my out of proportion bottom kept floating to the top and I thought I was going to drown.

Orca surf warning

Actually the last time I want swimming was at the Sunshine Coast.  I was staying with a friend and wanted to “fit in” or not let her down, so I braved the surf and bobbed about for a bit.  It’s such a lovely feeling being weightless, the fresh salty water tingling over your skin. But then you have to get out… and its that heavy dragging feeling… no mud this time, but your legs and feet feeling your weight again.  I didn’t think about it until afterwards, but it was a bit silly really… what if a wave had knocked me over…then the whale impersonation would have been real… me lying on the sand, thrashing about not know which way was up.  Getting up would have been really entertaining for anyone who needed a laugh.

I hate to say it again ladies, but as you can see my mind is running away with all kinds of excuses why I should just keep doing exercise wise, which is nothing.  A big fat nothing – the really easy option.

But what I can say is… that I still keep moving; still manage a household with two teenagers, two dogs, two fish and a cat. As a person who was never into exercise or sport thanks to my mother (who also was never into exercise or sport… all of Xmas holidays at the beach and she never went for a swim once. Didn’t even have a pair of togs)… so a bit of family conditioning is to blame.  Yes… this is an excuse…I do what I can do!

BE KIND – Consider the challenges Plus Size people have before you judge.

Even though I make light of being Plus Size it’s important to me to be kind to others and myself.  Being KIND – “having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. (link)

Whether you are a “PS” person reading this blog or not… have kind thoughts when you see “PS” people making an effort to get fit, exercise or even just move.  Consider what they might have to have overcome to even get to this point.  My personal thoughts I have shared should be enough to highlight how your brain can control what you can and can’t do. The mental struggle that goes on in your head with almost everything is overwhelming.

Regardless of your physical and mental abilities being kind to yourself and others is a personal gift.  Kindness costs nothing… but its value is immeasurable.   

Be kind in your thoughts, words and actions and everyone will reap the benefits.

Big Lady Hugs.


Feel too big to exercise? Here’s how to get moving

By Kimberly Gillan| 1 year ago

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